Thursday, April 27, 2006

Natrel Rink

it would be fun to tell a few harbourfront rink stories, don't you think?

can you do a figure 8?
(and i don't mean the kind you do on horseback)my young friend maggie, who was born in arizona, is not yet a fan of the canadian winter sports. last year, she HATED skating. but i have since seen the perfect solution. i swear it will turn her into a skate lover. it would even work on me!i was out winter walking in a park in toronto and at the rink spotted a dad pushing his kid around on a chair on the ice! other kids were using the same kind of chair to balance themselves as they shuffled along on blades behind... a brilliant method! not every rink would allow such shenanigins, but i saw the perfect place! it was happening. the pusher dad, by the way, was a celebrity dad. a digger dad, none other than andy maize. isn't that cool? even if its cold. so go ahead, i dare you to try and tell me i don't know a good canadian skating site when i see one!

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