Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bob Snider, CIBC Stage

What’s wrong with Toronto? I saw Bob Snider for free with only about 50 other people. At best, two thirds of the venue I stumbled across for the first time in my life this weekend was left empty, even with sunshine and a nice breeze making near perfect weather conditions.

I noticed Bob Snider checking out the CIBC stage and the audience the day before, when Po’ Girl played. It must have been worth the trip because his show was much stronger than theirs – especially his clear vocals and entertaining (if self deprecating) way with the audience between the songs. No awkward pauses. No technical difficulty. It seems like he enjoys performing, and that makes it fun to hang around while he performs. I hadn’t previously realized that he played a nylon string guitar, and was about to consider him an uncool guitar guy, when he played his protest song DOG. Proving himself inarguably cool - profound and hilarious, with this big hit with a most receptive audience; followed by my personal favourite – the song about how to build a fence. What a guy! He has such great material. He said if the folk community were to lose track of him, he would really fall off the radar, so let’s make a point to keep him in sight, in sound, in mind.
* *
i actually have a jones for a nylon string lately. good for quiet soft morning songs.

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